
Bye 2011, Holla 2012! :)

It took me a really long time to realise that who I am is a LOT better than the person I thought I had to be for others who dont matter anymore.

Seeing my true self grow and glow and to become a better person through out this year is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen unfold through my eyes. We all should get a chance to see ourself glow, don't you think so?

It's incredible the things you can achieve & do when you realise that YOU ARE UNIQUE! I am ME, and I never ever want to change that.

God made me the way I am for a reason, so I can make the world a more beautiful place in my own special way. I thank Him for everything. For an amazing family, for great friends along the road of life, for the great times in life, for the pains and hurdles that hurt, for the knowledge and lessons we learned, and after all I thank Him for letting me choose my way of living life. What I choose to do all the time is to smile.

Yes,SMILE my dear people! SMILE for me, SMILE for yourself, and SMILE for those around you. Open your eyes and inspire people. You would be surprised how much you can inspire somebody by just being you, by just being REAL! Put in mind, that SMILE is the only curve that makes every single thing right. :)

You know what I think? I think we are all unique and special in our own way. There is something that makes us different from each and every one of us. And thats our identity! Never change,just be YOU-nique.

I'm personally looking forward to this new year and of course to the better me. Waving "Bye" to 2011 made me look back at things that happened, the people I met, the decisions I made, the changes that happened, the bad habits I gave up, the good things I picked up, the wishes that came true, the prayers thats been answered and the success that I've gained through out the year.

This is the year I really grew as person and I'm thankful for this. I had both,good and bad days. What I learned is that good days gave me memories and bad days gave me lessons. Both are essential. My 2011 was an essential year and I thank Him for every bit of it.

2012 is in less than 48 hours. Made your resolutions already? I've made mine.

Its going to be a long,tough year for me. The SPM is to come in no time, and I'm sort of worried about it. I'm not sure is it me or the people around? When I say I'm 17, they give me a half smile and say, "Ooh, so you're sitting for SPM this year?" How am I not to be worried about SPM if every Tom,Dick and Harry says that to me? All I could probably do is to talk to myself. Probably quote the movie 3 Idiots, "Pursue excellence, and success will follow" to convince myself and give me more courage to see the year. That's how I'll be welcoming 2012 I guess.

Lets all welcome 2012 with a warm heart and smile, hoping that it becomes a more than essential year with all the new year resolutions and changes we have all made. Smile, say Aal Izz Well and let life move on!

Happy New Year my dear people. Have a splendid new year ahead!

Signing off with new resolutions for year 2012,


Girly Much??

It's a dog eat dog world, they say. Nahh. It's a girl eat girl world. Make the amendments, please!

I want to know, from all the girls out there. What sort of pleasure or satisfaction does all this overrated-girly-attitude gives you.

Overrated thing girls do which I don’t understand!

  • Saying 'hiiiiiiii!!!' instead of 'HI'. That too, in that abhorrent whining tone?
  • Spending time, rather killing time at beauty salons just to make sure that all their nails are of equal length and they turn effulgent? (Would they? I doubt).
  • Being overly obsessed with the color pink.
  • Sulking. Just because their boyfriend hasn't buzzed them since. Er…13 minutes and 24 seconds!?
  • Brushing. Brushing and combing their hair every now and then.
  • Spending hours in front of the mirror just to hide a zit, minus any guilt.
  • Always being late. They need more time to dress up for the party. (Now, don't the guys want an answer to this since an eternity?)

Most of all, trying to win a race against other girls: a race that doesn't even exist. A boy can be a girl's best friend. A girl cannot be. If there is a set as such, pretentious is the word. Unless, you can assure yourself a 100% that you are not pretending in your friendship. 

What do you exactly gain by looking better than another friend of yours at a party? A one night stand, maybe? And also, what do you get by impressing your best friends boyfriend? A green-eyed monster under the label of a 'best friend', maybe?

Most of you, in fact all of you will for sure have an opinion about me by the time you even start reading this post: Why am I being a hypocrite? No, I am not.

I am one of those girls who pick up their clothes from the men's section that too, a size larger. Even that rarely happens. And I don't break into a sweat of panic just because my nail polish chipped. Neither am I constantly dipped into the thought that I need to lose an inch on my waist just because I have a date tomorrow. Nor finding the necessity of applying inches of make-up each time leaving the house, that counts going to the 7-Eleven down the street too!

Personally, I think all them girls went too far. Their jeans got too low, their tops got too see-through. I think that sexy is keeping yourself mysterious. I'm really an old-fashioned girl, and I'm totally proud of my way. Old-fashioned. 

Despite being a girl, I fail to understand these girls. What sort of pleasure do these acts give you? What is the delight that comes along with all of these? (Un)fortunately, I am never going to get an answer to this. Why don't they atleast understand that there are guys out there with brains, who do like girls with brains more than girls with matching nail paints?? Speaking about nail paints, I'm a epic failure when it comes to filing my nails, or even painting it.

I sometimes ask myself, "Do women like me exist?" 

In My Sorrows

Here I lie in my sorrow, Where I dwell in an empty tomorrow, The journey for truth seems so steep, I feel I've lost the chance of relief...