
So What If You Don't Have A Man?

Are you a single, attractive and successful woman? A woman who chooses man, kids, and in-laws over your career? Because whoever you are and whatever state you are in, you surely feel that other woman have it easier.

• Married women look at single friends and think " Lucky cow. All that space on the bed and no arguments about remote control".
• Singletons gets frustrated by turning up to the parties alone and wondering who'll look after them when they are ill.
• Mothers feel torn to pieces, pulled every which way by their kids, work and partner- if they have one. The childless hit their late 30s and get a yen for teeny socks and plastic toys.

The truth is no one's life is perfect. No woman has it completely easy not even Kelly Brook , and she's well , Kelly Brook. As radiant as young Liz Taylor and , as of now, free and single. But even Kelly must have moments of self doubt. She gets slated enough to bring it on for being able to hold on to a man(she's only 30) and for taking her clothes off for Playboy. Kelly, though seems to be doing all right. She's canny enough to concentrate on her career when it looks like it is going places . Then there are women like Jennifer Aniston , Kylie Minogue and Cameron Diaz .

These women are doing fantastically well. They are beautiful, successful, happy and have pretty good love-lives. They are not all in relationships, but so what? They have been, with some gorgeous men , and will be again.

But it seems like every famous woman, no matter what how fantastic , is still defined by certain things . How she looks . And if she is settled down and spawned. But can't a woman be herself, whether or not she's ticked certain conversational boxes? Famous women are , by definition, successful. They wouldn’t be famous otherwise. I would scream a “Hooraay” for them. Anyone else would do them with me??

They are all cheering for the fate and luck and not be glumed over their sad lives. Because that’s all it really takes. Yes, luck and fate. Some people are lucky enough to meet a life partner, some have children . Some are born beautiful, and some make right career choices.

Why aren't women allowed to concentrate on the good things in life? Rather than where we've suppose sadly fallen short? You are not a failure if you don't have it all. You are human , that's much more interesting. Relish the joy in our lives and stop picking over the rest.

A woman feels good over a touch of warmth, good words and she seeks that support all the time, however bold she puts herself up for everyone to see. Getting married, having kids, not furthering studies is not all about woman. Its time for the society to change their point of views.

We are capable of anything. See the better side of things. Today we have woman of virtues lined up changing the history and lifes of people.

Look up the ladies who made a whole some of changes in their life.
• Sports: Caster Semenya, the young athlete who overcame global gender taunts to win world championship.
• Writing and Academics: Doris Lessing: Nobel prize-winning novelist, celebrated for writing a pioneering work of female emancipation
• Social : Oprah Winfrey: The talkshow host, actress and philanthropist - not satisfied with conquering the US - is taking on the whole world.
• Law : Gareth Peirce: Lawyer whose battles against miscarriages of justice have changed legal history.
• Business and Trade: Carol Bartz: The first female CEO of a major software company, Yahoo.
• Entertainment : Lady Gaga: Outlandish dresser, performer and politicised pop icon for the Twitter generation.

It is our society which expects women to be married and put the family's benefits and well being first than her’s. There is always a changing point in life. No I’m not being feminist nor sexist. All I’m saying is to let a woman live her life. And that too for herself. Not for the sake of her man, kids or in-laws.

I write what I feel is right, and I don’t think it is right to apologize for the things I believe in. Every topic owns an argument. This one has it too. Well, as I said, its what I feel right and I believe in.

Upon signing off, I quote the Bible. “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies”
(Proverbs 31:10). If you understood my post, you’d understand my quote.

Signing off, Lyana.

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