Your salary is not
love and your word is not love. Your clothes are not love and holding hands is
not love. Sex is not love and a kiss is not love. Long letters are not love and
a text is not love. Flowers are not love and a box of chocolates is not love.
Sunsets are not love and photographs are not love. The stars are not love and a
beach under the moonlight is not love. The smell of someone else on your pillow
is not love and the feeling of their skin touching your skin is not love.
Heart-shaped candy is not love and an overseas holiday is not love. The truth
is not love and winning an argument is not love. Warm coffee isn't love and
cheap cards bought from stores are not love. Tears are not love and
laughter is not love. A head on a shoulder is not love and messages written at
the front of books given as gifts are not love. Apathy is not love and numbness
is not love. A pain in your chest is not love and clenching your fist is not
love. Rain is not love.
Only you. Only you, are love.
Only you. Only you, are love.