
That Moment


This wait is filling the void in her heart with a purpose, a direction. It is giving her the sustenance to battle it out in this hard clime. It provides her with the courage to face the demons of her past and present. In those shadowy hours, in each of those harsh moments, she keeps herself centered thinking only of that glorious moment- the happiest moment that she have had in days, or rather, in months. The darkest hours, when every minute of existence seems like unbridled torture to the extent that she can take no more of it, is upon her; but she  cling on in fervent hope dreaming of that moment which would come to pass in a few days. 

That wondrous moment, when she would see him again, when time as a whole would stop and he tread gingerly towards her while that beautiful smile playing on her  lips. There would be thunderous showers pouring all around, with the monsoon at its peak. Every drop of rain on her would sparkle like a diamond set in the radiance of a blazing flame, for him. The wind would be playing a symphony with her dark,lustrous hair, just for him. She would gracefully brush them away from her pretty face like the wind blows those dark clouds away from the face of the glowing moon in the night sky, for him. Her eyes, on seeing him would twinkle in recognition, like the stars greeting the moon, with renewed love and dainty shyness, after the heart-breaking parting which occur every dawn. As he tread those few remaining steps towards her, she would restrain the multitude of emotions running through her mind to savor the innate beauty of that single moment. She'd wana shut herself from every other feeling, every other emotion, so that she could gaze into those solemn, deep eyes and hold him close to her- never to let go, never to let go ever again.

In My Sorrows

Here I lie in my sorrow, Where I dwell in an empty tomorrow, The journey for truth seems so steep, I feel I've lost the chance of relief...