Where I dwell in an empty tomorrow,
The journey for truth seems so steep,
I feel I've lost the chance of relief.
I fight for my soul,
Through the valley of darkness,
Where demons prey on my goal,
Where once you tread you leave heartless.
Where are the people who once claimed to love?
Where are they who seemed to be high above?
Have the Angels failed to see,
What earth has become & what it will be?
Time is of the essence,
Forgiveness shall not be granted til,
Free will shall roam,
And selfishness has finally become nil.
For darkness dwells in those who seek,
Those power hungry humans with greed,
Those who have enslaved love, hope and truth from thee,
Shall be chained til they see the light, mercilessly.
Wake up fools blinded by greed,
Don't you see those innocent eyes in need?
Can you not hear their cry for help?
How long can you ignore precious innocent bloodshed?
For I was a victim of darkness led,
By deadly soldiers who were bred from hell,
For now they've left me with scars to heal,
But also with powerful strength growing within me.
What does not kill you,
Only makes you stronger they said,
They forgot to mention that feelings will be dead,
The urge for a fighter to survive is all that will be left.
For now I am a fighter,
Who breaks the wrath of filth,
At heart a writer,
Who writes about truth without any guilt.
No one can prey on my torn soul,
For it is blessed somehow by the hand of God,
Hence I once again feel whole,
Even though I'm forever flawed.
I fight for the weak and enslaved spirits in need,
Regardless of their race, religion or creed,
I am the fighter of the light,
Stay away darkness, beware of my might.