
21 Questions Tag!

I got bored so I decided to do a tag :) Here goes:-

1. What are your turn-offs in a guy?
Over possessive-ness. 

2. What's the farthest you've gone in a relationship?
Never got into any relationship yet.

3. What do you like about yourself?

Ability to click in with people around at all times and situation. 

4. Are you Athletic?

5. Are you animal friendly?
I don't hurt them, yet I can never cuddle with them either. 

6. What's your favorite kind of ice cream?
Vanilla topped with Milo.

7. Are you a morning person?


8. Is there anyone you would give your life for?
Parents and brothers. 

9. Do you have a role model?

My mom.

10. Have you given to charity?

Yes! Cancer Awareness and Autism Awareness! I bought a T-shirt from Gap worth RM400. RM200 for each organisation.I've also donated to other small charitable organisations.

11. If you only had 2 weeks to live, what would you do?

I would want to spend time with the people I knew yet never met in life. :)

12. Who was your 1st Love?
Jay Sean!

13. Do you have any fears?
Rats! Snakes! Height!

14. If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be?

End gender discrimination and poverty everywhere around the world. 
End young age marriages and teenage pregnancies. 
Be the best daughter and sister, for them, family!

15. Have you ever been arrested?
No. -.-

16. What's a quote you go by?

"Strive for something you want", "Any time , any where."

17. What career would you pursue?


18. Would you rather be the girl being cheated on or be the girl cheating with?

19. Have you ever witnessed a death?
Nope.Never did. 

20. Do you think you're very honest?


21. Money or Love?


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