
Abusing The Magic Word

I bet most of you have came across this before: "The shortest word is, the sweetest word is LOVE, and the cutest person is YOU".  (Oh the pick-up lines  these days, that's been flooding all over social networks. Will surely be a help for the younger generation). 

Saying 'I love you' to someone else can be one of the sweetest thing a human being can do to another, especially among those couples who are in love with each other.

But then, I've noticed recently that this phrase is being overused and overrated. Not attempting to pour cold water on anyone but in my opinion, the phrase 'I love you' seems to have lost its true and beautiful meaning.

Call me old-fashioned whatsoever, I don't think anyone should just simply blurt out 'I love you' to anyone of the opposite sex, even though you think you're madly in love with them. The phrase carries a much deeper meaning and should not be taken lightly.

Come on, you don't throw those words 'I love you' around as if you're saying 'Hello' to someone else. It is not something that we should take granted for, if not one day you'll realized that you have been making a fool out of yourself all these while.

My advice is, say those words when you're ready. If not you'll feel like a fool when you finally got back to your senses. Besides, you don't tell someone after your first date that you're in love with them like Ted Mosby in 'How I Met Your Mother'.

Robin: I think I like your olive theory..

Ted: I think I like your new French horn..
Robin: I think I like your nose..
Ted: I think I'm in love with you. 

That totally freaked Robin out. But they do hooked up later as a couple. But sadly they broke up, citing different personal aims in lives. Too bad, they were a great couple.

So guys and girls, the lesson is: Don't abuse the usage of 'I love you'. Excessive usage will somehow take away its beautiful meaning, unless you both are already together for some time. 

And yes, saying it over and over again and flooding other people's Facebook or Twitter timeline won't make your love grow fonder. 

The love, the date, the relationship is suppose to be between the both of you, the entire world need not know about it. 


Light At The End Of The Tunnel

No one should be trusted with your heart or any other part of you for that matter. We are all unique that's what makes the world so fascinating. Everyone has their beliefs, their traditions, their crazy rules about how relationships should be. Sometimes we make a wrong turn and while in the moment it may feel right that little voice knows it's never going to last. Mistakes are a part of living, no one is perfect.

Some people will remain in our hearts long after the door shut. It doesn't necessarily mean you still love them or even like them, but sometimes letting go takes a lifetime to forget.

When we are picky with whom we choose to call friends it tends to hurt more when one leaves your side. But, whether you agree or not doesn't stop time or let you go back and repair the damage.

We grow as we age, but it doesn't mean we all mature or refine our tastes like a fine wine. For some, the best years have long past, but we still live off the memories of days gone by. For others, the best is yet to come.

You may never get an answer and even if you do it probably isn't what you wanted to hear. Words are very powerful weapons when misused. Make sure you are picking a fight with the right person.

Lotsa Love, Lyana. :) 


Missing You

Missing someone is not about being encircled in their arms, not feeling their warmth beside you when it is most desired. Missing someone is not about just having someone there to hear what you have to say. Missing is a way of saying I love you, and I care for you, whether we are close or not. At one point or another that person was in your life, so not having them in it will surely feel empty. It is natural to miss someone you love, but remember that the feeling may not be reciprocated. In such circumstances there’s not much you can do. What you can do is continue to care and love and hope for the eventual return of the one you enjoyed laughs with, the one you shared your feelings with, and smiles with. I know sometimes missing someone can be both a good and terrible feeling. But if u miss someone, tell them and let them know. Don’t let the feeling of missing someone become one sided. Tell them how you feel and let them know that you would like them in your life one way or another. (“I miss you”…words that don’t serve justice for a person consumed with longing…and I am, I am consumed with longing for your touch my dear.) ♥

P/S: I miss you when something really good happens, because you're the one I want to share it with. I miss you when something is troubling me, because you're the one who understands me so well. I miss you when I laugh and cry, because I know that you are the one that makes my laughter grow and tears dissapear. I miss you all the time, but I miss you the most when I lie awake at night, and think of all the wonderful times that we spent with each other...:) 



A memory is a way of holding onto things you love, the things you are, and the things you never want to lose. It's also how we learn, a way to show people we care and have listened. It's the story of how we got to where we are, what we have overcome to reach the being we have become. Memory gives us the capacity for compassion and empathy, it enables us to connect with people at different stages of their journey, and help just by understanding. But, some memories make it hard to keep moving forward without looking back.

When we dream of old friends or acquaintances it usually indicates that there is something in your past that keeps coming up and interfering in your life somehow. The old maybe familiar, but it isn't always the correct decision. Sometimes we just need a push in the right direction to remind us just how precious life is and how petty our errors were.

Life is full of vanishing acts and dreams that later become nightmares. The old are eventually replaced with the new. Sometimes we let go of our dreams and settle for less than extraordinary. But, if we keep believing that the dream does exist we have a chance of waking up from the nightmare. 


Letting Go.

To let go isn’t to forget, not to think about, or ignore. It doesn’t leave feelings of anger, jealousy, or regret. Letting go isn’t about winning or losing. It’s not about pride and it’s not about how you appear, and it’s not obsessing or dwelling on the past. Letting go isn’t blocking memories or thinking sad thoughts, and doesn’t leave emptiness, hurt, or sadness. It’s not about giving in or giving up. Letting go isn’t about loss and it’s not about defeat. To let go is to cherish the memories, but to overcome and move on. It is having an open mind confidence in the future. Letting go is learning and experiencing and growing. To let go is to be thankful for the experiences that made you laugh, made you cry, and made you grow. It’s about all that you have, all that you had, and all that you will soon gain. Letting go is having the courage to accept change, and the strength to keep moving. Letting go is growing up. 

I've experienced this by myself. When I decide to let go, to take off the pain, to come back to path, to return in His way, everything in life seems better. I realize how much I've missed in life. I learned that He loves me way too much. Sending me more wonderful people in my life when He took one away. Its just that I was too blind to see. Blind folded with heart pain. But then it won't be fair for me to regret all I've done, cos back then living life that way was all I wanted to, and I lived it. And yes, everything happens for a reason, and here I am. Back to the normal me. After 12 months of tears, heart pain, bad health level, here I am. All pumped up for the new life, new people, new experience, new path and the same Him. :) 

Everything Happens For a Reason


Everything happens for a reason. I tell myself that all the time, but when hurdles come my way, I do what most of us would. I blame Him. But then, when I get to see the good side of what had happened, I begin to realize that everything happens for a reason.

 No matter how bad it is. I do thank Him after all. Still, the guilty feelings resides there. I’ve learned that maybe things do happen for a reason, maybe they don’t. But no matter what, they still happen. That’s what we need to remember. I learned to stop analyzing things, to just let them happen. And if I get hurt, or if something bad happens, then it happens. There’s nothing I can do to change that.

 I’ve learned to go with my gut, and that it’s okay to make mistakes because the ones that matter, won’t care. And, about people. Everyone you meet ; you meet for a reason . And every one that stays in your life,stays for a reason . And who ever decided to leave your life ; leaves for a reason. That love really is as great as they say it is. 

I’ve learned that friends can save you from your worst enemy: yourself. And most importantly, that today is all we have. Its just that we may not always know that reason or like it but its just meant to happen to make us the person we are today. I personally wish that I could know the reason of everything that happens, but then again, we might not know it for a reason.  


Love Yourself

You have to accept yourself, you have to love yourself. Please yourself first, we often spend an inordinate amount of time attempting to please or win the approval of others, taking any indication of displeasure as a measure of our worth. In reality, you cannot please all the people all the time, realizing that by pleasing yourself, everything else is apt to fall into place. Don’t capitulate to the demands and desires of others, especially if doing so goes against your instincts and code of values. You will feel better about yourself by behaving independently and standing by your principles.

Every individual is unique, possessing different skills, talents and abilities. If you compare yourself to others, you will inevitably come up short, for no two people have identical personalities, behaviors and accomplishments. Appreciate yourself for the unique person you are and avoid trying into fit another person’s mold. Completely accept yourself, including all your flaws, for they are what make you real. Acknowledge and give self praise to you positive attributes and make it your mission to work on the negative aspects of your “self.” Being justifiably proud of your accomplishments and actively striving to improve your shortcomings enhances your self-esteem.

Don’t look to external factors in order to feel good. Look deep within your own heart and soul to find happiness and contentment. Forgive your mistakes, accept your flaws and love yourself unconditionally. Look into the mirror each day and reaffirm to yourself what a good and valuable person you are. If you find your happiness within, acknowledge your innate talents and abilities, focus on the present, as opposed to dwelling in the past, and be ever mindful of your intrinsic value, you will experience a healthy self-esteem which will translate to satisfying relationships and a fulfilled life.

When Someone Means the World.

It’s the scariest thing ever to realize how much someone means to you. When it hits you, I mean really hits you, all these thoughts and questions rush through your head at once. A sad emotion even starts to creep on you slowly inch by inch as you start to wonder. What if for some reason things don’t work out? How are you possibly going to live without them? Someone that was once a stranger now is the only person you know like the back of your hand. Someone you once had no emotions for, now has the power to break your heart. Someone you used to never hangout with, now owns most of your time. Someone that you thought you’d never love, owns your entire heart. Someone you once lived without, you now wish to hold on forever. 


Judge No One.

Can we please stop acting like we’re better than other people? All I hear and all I see is hatred, comparison, drama, rumors, and lies. It’s the same thing over and over again, and let me tell you it gets boring. We are all individuals, and we all carry unique traits that make us who we are. The way we dress, the music that we listen to, the way we post, the things we take as hobbies, the way we write and talk. The way we express ourselves allows us to be different from everyone. Who wants to be the same in a world where half of it is trying to be something they’re not? No one is perfect, and I doubt anyone wants to be. We are no one to be pointing fingers and judging, for all we know our lives can be more messed up than the person we’re pointing fingers at.

Harsh words and condemning ways will not reach people, it won’t make a difference, and your point will not get across. Most of the time, no one is listening and you’re just complaining to yourself. We don’t have to like everyone we come across in our lives, but why must we start unnecessary drama that does not involve us in the first place? Before you judge, and make a description, and proclaim this is how the person is. Get to know them, have a conversation, speak about something on an intellectual level. Base your judgments on what you know and have seen, don’t ever based them on what you think they are, or on what you have heard.


Two Individuals As One

Love is a special feeling that bonds two individuals as one. It’s nice to have someone who will hang out with you until midnight, someone who will sleep late just because you’re still on the phone talking about what happened during the day. It’s sweet when they make you feel as if you’re the only person they see in the world. It’s cute how sometimes, you may have silly love fights but at the back of your mind, you still want to make it up. The way you tease each other like kids, the way you kiss, the way you feel their warm embrace. All of these are the feelings that you want to feel from someone. All of these are the chances that you want to have in your life. All of these are the dreams and fantasies waiting to come true. But don’t worry. Life will make it’s turn to let you meet that person. And when you do, don’t ever let them go.

Love makes life beautiful.

In My Sorrows

Here I lie in my sorrow, Where I dwell in an empty tomorrow, The journey for truth seems so steep, I feel I've lost the chance of relief...