*For those who haven't read part 1, check out Careless Whisper (Part 1) by clicking older post.*
Nish!" Anishka quickly turned around when she heard her name being called.
"Jit,what happened? Why didn't you answer my calls? Are you alright? I sent you so many texts! Are you okay?" she asked the moment she saw him.
"Nish, Nish, Nish. Relax. Breathe in and out! My phone got all wet in the rain.. I am so sorry for being late.”
Kuljit looked really weird. And Anishka got a little suspicious wondering what was playing in his head.
"Kuljit, what's wrong? Tell me.I cant bear seeing you like that!"
"Nish, I, ermm.. Nothing is wrong! Hop on that bus. Everyone is waiting for you!"
She knew very well something was wrong. His body language said more than enough. Hands shivering, and he looks as though he was rushing into something.
"Are you sure? Because seriously I know something is wrong and you're not telling me!"
"Trust me, I am okay! Okay nerd, you better be boarding in the bus now! And I mean now!” he said while rushing her into the bus.
"Jit, I trust you. And so, I'm boarding the bus. Okay. Bye bye. Take care. And don’t you dare call me a nerd anymore! Mean guy!" and she boarded in the bus.
Everyone was all set to leave. Kuljit and Anishka waved their goodbyes, with smiles turning upside down as the bus moved further.
Upon boarding the bus, Anishka quickly grabbed her phone and she texted him, "It was really nice to meet you! Take care okay.. :) " *message sent* Then she remembered his phone was out of order, and no replies was expected.
Aniskha. She is an understanding girl. Even though she believed Kuljit, she knew he wasn't telling her the absolute truth. So, she sent him an offline message back home.
She wouldn't ask him again because he'll probably get angry. Her offline message was more like a spam. She blabbered non-stop. Something bothered him. Anishka wouldn't want him going all sad because of whatever reasons it may ne.
A few days later, she sent him another message. Acted all weird. Sending some jokes. She just wanted to cheer him up after all.
3 days passed. 24th of October. Anishkha clicked open her MSN to what she never expected at all. And this time, "This message was sent when you were offline".
She read, "Nish, why do you keep bothering me? Leave me all by myself. I am not bothered about you. And frankly speaking, I don’t even care at all!!”
The next thing she knew was tears falling out her eyelids down her cheeks. She suddenly felt cold. Head felt heavy. Hands trembling. As though she was stabbed continuously with a knife.
Tears rolled. She was all confused. What made him say that? Tons of questions played in her mind. The friend that used to tell her even the tiniest bit was now acting like a complete stranger.
She broke down. But she listened to him silently. She left him all alone for a while. After some days, she saw him online and so she nudged him.. She talked to him normally but his replies were all short.
She took it all. Talking to him meant a lot to her. Even just by his “yes”, “no”, or his “ok”. But one thing kept her worried. "Why wouldn't he tell me?"
After an exact amount of 10 days, she called Kuljit.
"Hello..", a pale manly voice known and is believed to be his.
"Jit, Nish here. How are you? How are things going on? Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
"Nish, look, I’ve told you this a million times, and again I’m telling you the same. Nothing is wrong. Nothing is wrong at all! Why don’t you just trust me? I don’t need anyone by my side. I'm fine! What is your problem? I've been telling you several times to leave me alone. Why wouldn't you just do so? We barely know each other." ,he scream at the top of his voice.
"I know these few days I've been as annoying as I can get. I am sorry. But I just want to know what is turning you this way. Maybe I can help. That’s all. You don’t have to scream for that. I am really sorry. But don't say that we barely know each other. To me, we were close. Close enough for me to spill all my secrets to.
"Nish, Well, I don't know. But you can trust me, I will keep your secrets safe."
"Of course I know you will Jit. So, are we all okay?"
“Nish, make this the last. Don’t ever do it again. Okay? And maybe, it's better if we stop being friends.”
“Oh, so that is all you have for me. I should have seen this coming Kuljit. Thanks anyway. For everything. Goodbye and take care. Just remember, you always have someone to talk to anytime.”
She hanged up before he could even breathe a word.
Maybe one reason she wouldn't leave him alone was because she couldn't see him carry his problems alone. She wanted an equal share of the load that was burdening him. He turned to her whenever things went wrong. And now, she's basically addicted being a part of hearing his share of problems.
She broke into tears again after hanging up. She stayed up all night, crying and consoling herself. Months passed by and all she use to heal herself everyday. Despite seeing Jit online, she;d appear offline. She left him alone. Exactly how he wanted her to do.
Kuljit stopped following her on Tumblr. He stayed totally afar from her. Two months of heart ache, tears and pain. Only Anishka knew how she spent her days.
At the end of January, she graduated her foundation. She felt obligated to inform Kuljit. He made her through her exams. Supported her when she was down. Pushed her. He even believed in her when no one else bothered to do so. He gave her all the inspiration and support she needed She decided to send him an offline message.
"Kuljit, I might not mean anything to you anymore. But I thought I should tell you bout my results. I passed all my subjects with flying colors. Except the fact that I got a 'B' for my assignments. And now, to make me feel better, I wish you will say, "It's okay nerd! You made me proud." Anyways, take good care of yourself. Always remember the fact that I am just one step away.."
No reply. Just as she predicted.
Every time something exciting happens, Anishka is always the one typing a whole lot of messages wanting to tell Kuljit everything. But then, she end up leaving them in her draft. Deleting them afterwards thinking he wouldn't want to know anything about her. Sometimes, she even stalks him on Facebook. Just to see if he's having a great life. Although all his status updates doesn't involve her anymore, she'll just smile to herself seeing him being all happy, without her presence at all.
Anishka, every now and then, tries to act as if Kuljit don't mean anything to her. But she sucks badly in doing so. Cause everytime she looks into the mirror, all she see is tears rolling down her cheeks helplessly. Maybe. Just maybe, to her, he meant something. She had no idea at all it will hurt her that much when she added him.
Everyone told her how beautiful friendship can blossom into. But they probably forgot to include a side note stating how hard can it be to fall out of it especially when you are addicted to that particular person's presence in your life. One thing she missed was Kuljit's friendship. She never wanted to have him as a lover. Was that too much to ask? She remained puzzled. Anishka blamed herself for all the friction that happened between them. Although she remained in his dark past, she still hope she'll bump into him one fine day.
Anishka had her own blog. She blogged often after the incident with Kuljit. In fact, she expressed all her feelings in her posts. One of it was...
"I saw your name. It made me wanna cry so much. Cause that name has made so many incredible moments in my lyfe. I need that name back in my lyfe. I want to be able to feel that adrenalin rush I used to get just by looking at that piece of name. That name, your name. I stare at it sometymes. Thinking of all those wonderful things that happened. I might be alive. But I've lost all the sense of faith I had in having you back in my lyfe."
She personally faced quite some challenges in life. But she survived them all. All she did was imagine what Kuljit would have said to her and off she was all hyped up.
Career wise, she chose to be a doctor. Maybe she thought falling in love with her books was much more better.
Days passed by. Months passed by. So did years. Five years and still counting. Anishka is now a doctor. Doing her internship course for two years. She rejected the offer that came by for her to pursue her studies at Russia. Persued her internship at the local university. Also, she was engaged.. Magic happened, and destiny made them meet. The days of tears and pain is now no more.
*Who you think is she engaged to? Can it be Kuljit? The only one who can take her pain off? or anyone else that could never replace Kuljit's place in her heart? Part 3 has a alot more for you to know. Stay tuned. *