
Being Satisfied.

Often the feelings of human being are unstable and they tend to over-react. Same goes to me as well, its just because we, humans have feelings and we either react according to what our feelings at that moment is or what our mind whispers.

It is said that there's an angel and a demon each at our shoulders, then there should be balance of both goodness and evilness in life probably. It may seem illogical to even think of it, yet no matter what life is made up of ups and downs where nobody can deny.When there is a person, the nature would determine his/her initial growth, could be height, weight, along with basic characteristics which would eventually mix up with the nurturing and here, the environment plays a major part in determining how that particular human being is being moulded!So, do we blame totally on the environment when a person act as the way they do?

Sometimes even thought they grow up in an secured environment, I guess human after all change and act as they are supposed to as it is written in their own fate. I guess if in this birth they are supposed to meet with a number of jerks, they would and if it is also meant to lead that particular person to be influenced to a wrong path, it would just happen.No matter how hard it may seem to bring back a drug-addict to normal, if his/her fate is meant to change, the person would have the strength and perseverance.

Well then do we just let go our lives to fate to decide? Definitely NOT! Don't get me wrong over here. What I really meant was, for example be it a small boy sitting for his school examination soon, if he focuses in his studies with no distraction, and he works real hard that he wants to achieve his aims which is to score 5 a's. And finally when he gets 4 A's and 1 b, that is when fate plays its role! We should always do our total best and then leave the rest for God to decide as it is said EFFORT + God's Grace = SUCCESS.

Why do actually people get so agitated with others? Be satisfied with everything you have cause there are people who don't! Frankly, from what I have learnt here, you be yourself and people would not appreciate you. Generally I guess to act your self and put on a fake mask would make the rest love you and come towards you. If that is how it is, I'd rather be myself and not get involved with anything at all.

If you take life so seriously, how would you treat your old age? By being someone else who don't really know when was the last being sincere? Funny yet the reality is far more hard to accept. We find fault in others, but ever wondered what's our minus points?Its hard practice what you preach, YES but do you even know your mistakes, and dark qualities. Ask me and I would say yes. I've been working on them and I'm sure I can't be perfect at all, yet I can allow myself not to repeat my mistakes as well as not to be off lane that leads me to the wrong directions.

To lead you the part of righteousness, believe in yourself and don't cause ill to others.By talking behind ones back, not only you make them a stronger person inside out, but also to move on and aim higher. Every bad thing you do, there is an invisible mirror that reflects back your bad deeds to yourself and you should wait for it to hit back on yourself.Care and love don't require you to go keep begging and asking for it, it flows everywhere and when you shower to others, it automatically comes by. Love is everywhere and don't ever get the wrong concept of love and life. 

1 comment:

  1. I do these logical conversations in my head too :D


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