
Declaration of Imperfection.

Perfect’ is a term we throw around aimlessly. We see others as it, we hold it up on a pedalstool, and we strive - more than anything - to achieve it.
I believe a person is perfect in their ‘imperfections’. Those little things that make them different from everyone else, be it positive or negative. These things make them up as a person; without them they are blank, white canvas. So much potential; so much waste.

In the same way, an artist sees beauty in a person’s flaws. The things you may hate about yourself will be beautiful and the subject of amicable envy to someone else.

Never let anyone tell yourself you aren’t perfect. Because the reason they have for saying that - your ‘too long’ nose or your ‘weird-looking’ body shape - is what makes you perfect.

Perfection is achieved by imperfection.And acceptance of that which you once hated about yourself. I've known a handful of people, near and dear that suffers from atelophobia. The fear of imperfection and not being enough. All we need to do is to stop looking over perfection. It never exist! Yes, stop looking over for perfection in yourself. Stop wishing you looked like someone else. Stop trying to gain attention from those whom hurt you. Stop hating your body, your personality, your quirks. Without all these, you wouldn't be you and why would you want to be someone else?

Be confident with who you are. Just smile. It'll draw people in. If anyone hates you for being happy with yourself, then just stick your middle finger in the air, and say "screw it!" Your happiness doesn't depend on anyone. Tell yourself that you are perfect in your imperfections! 

I wake up everyday telling myself that I am not perfect. I am human.I live on the planet Earth where humans live. Humans aren't perfect and never have been.Never will be.I don't always do what people expect of me. I am happy because I love who I am. I love my flaws. I love my imperfections. They make me, "me". And yes, trust me, "me" is pretty amazing. There is no one else like me or you in this whole wide world.

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