
And She Moved On..

She has always been a sucker for amorous flicks. They call her a hopeless romantic, but those movies makes her feel happy, or complete. It made her believe in love, in the theory of soul mates, in trust and most importantly, in happy endings. 

Boy meets girl, trials and tribulations, long stretches of time spent away from one another; but none of this changes the fact that they’ll be together in the end. Together, and happy, forever after. 

Not only did she liked these movies, but with the passage of time, she started believing in the events that took place in them. It’s the clichĂ© flow of events: Girl falls for guy, guy breaks her heart, realises what he’s done wrong and apologises. The apologising part is something she believed would happen and really liked. Someday. she hoped, and wished, and prayed. She entreated with all her might that at some point of time, he would realise that what he did was wrong and unethical, and that maybe by apologising to her, he would have lessen the hurt. 

And do you know what the worst part is? 

She still finds herself wishing for it to ensue. No, it did not happen like it did in those chick flicks. The only part bearing a slight resemblance to the movies is the part where she cried, hoped, struggled; where she failed to put it all behind her. She always thought that there would be a point when she would be able to say that she is finally over the guy. Each day passes by catching a glance of his Facebook profile. It wouldn't  bring back a flood of memories. A day when her heart won’t skip a beat every time someone mentions his name. A day when.....when the mourning period would finally, and definitely, end. 

Unfortunately,for her, the point never came. And she don’t see it coming any time soon,either

What he did to me was plain nasty. Something you don’t do to girls. Something which is, urmm,  immoral. But he did it nonetheless. He did it, made her cry, made her regret being with him and gave her another rationale to curse myself for not being able to let  bygones be bygones.

Now, one might ask, what’s his fault in all of this? His fault is that he made her believe in him. His fault is that he made her love him, made her forget how life was sans him. His fault is that he has turned cold and callous now. Not very long ago, he was bothered about the reason behind every little sigh of hers. Seeing her upset bogged him down. He spent hours and hours, trying to cheer her up, trying to make her smile.

And she got addicted to all the love and care that when it was taken away from her, it left her little heart shattered. However, as they say, time doesn’t wait for anybody. And she is no exception to this

She will have to move on; will have to get on with her life. And guess what ? She just did. She has put it all behind her. She won't say that she don't care any more, but she has learned to let the caring bit pass. and not affect her like it used to earlier.

It was all getting out of her. The suppressed emotions, desires, recollections...everything. And she believes she's pretty close to the I-have-moved-on-point. So close, that she can almost taste it. :)


  1. Nice kept me to keep reading it till the end. Is this based on ur life? Is that girl is you?

    1. First of all, thanks for reading.. and to answer your question, maybe yes, maybe no. :)

    2. Oh come on
      Yes or no?
      Why with the coin stand
      Will in be reva then ( from below comment)

  2. I saw myself here in the story chii :')

    Reva :)


In My Sorrows

Here I lie in my sorrow, Where I dwell in an empty tomorrow, The journey for truth seems so steep, I feel I've lost the chance of relief...