
Personality or Popularity??

What does that word popular mean nowadays? What makes a person popular? Is it his/her ability to think wisely and be able to make correct decisions without screwing up? Is it the person who's nice, kind and helpful? Or is it the person who takes like 932856495 pictures of him/herself in front of a mirror and posts it on facebook? Sadly it's option number 3.

The society now has come to a point where what you see on the outside is what it is in the inside. Backwards from what it is right? For instance, a girl who has too much make up on, wears very little amount of clothing on herself, takes a million pictures of herself and uploads it on the internet, goes to parties, has a hot body, straightened her hair, plucked her eyebrows, shaved her legs and loads more is considered as a popular girl. Now, a boy that takes pictures of his body on uploads them on the internet, has the look and the hot body, goes to tons of parties, get drunk at every party, has loadsa 'girl'friends, has tons of cash, own the coolest ride and way more is considered a popular guy. Neither one of them needs to have personality, brains and a heart which is basically what makes a human being.

What happens to the person that is nice and yet can still have an awesome personality and likes to keep it to him/herself? What happens to them? The truth of the matter is, most of the time, when you are to see the so called 'popular' ones and the ones with the personality together and in real life, you would prefer the least popular one. Why? PERSONALITY. Not looks or whatever that makes them 'cool' or whatever you people call it.

People should stop judging and give everyone a chance and people SHOULD NOT THINK HIGHLY OF THEMSELVES. Just be who you are. Be what your momma gave you. Maybe we should love each other for what WE REALLY ARE and not what WE TRY TO BE!

The society should learn and  be able to accept that everyone is unique in one way or another. We all have our own personality, and its sad to see people who change themselves for the sake of gaining p-o-p-u-l-a-r-i-t-y! 

"Be who you are,Because those who matter wont mind,and those who mind wont matter."

And for me, I'm no beauty queen. Just the beautiful me. 

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