
Harimau Muda

(They are awesome!)
21/11/2011 was indeed a meaningful day to us, Malaysians. Sea Games!
Malaysia- Indonesia! Tough game with mixed feelings and emotions! I saw people crying before the final result was even predicted! Stressed, excited, overjoyed! All sorta feelings! And I'm still excited as I write this out. :D

You never know what it is like to watch football matches, till the second you get your ass on the couch, hoping for a goal from your team, whispering silent prayers to yourself, with your hands getting all numb! The moment of glory when the goal strikes, and all you do is to scream your heart out, do the happy dance and sing anything to do with the game! At least, that's what I do.

Back to the game, it was a very tough one. Scary moments every now and then. Tricks that left huge question marks. Offsides that we first loved, then hated. Ong Kim Swee’s priceless expression! I was overjoyed.

But, there was something I wasn’t happy of. You know what beats me? The fact that even our own people puts our players down. I saw discouraging comments via Facebook and Twitter which made my smile turn upside down. All I wanted to question is where is the moral support that we all should be giving? We all want the Tigers or better known as the “Harimau Muda” to win the match. Then why discourage?

Even sadder, is that, all those discouraging comments came from well known public figures. Yes, local artists. Being a public figure, they should at least show some fake appreciation and support. Yes, again I mean, FAKE it! Even personally if you think it WAS not possible for the Tigers to win, do not publish anything via social networks.

What I came across Facebook was a status update saying that the particular person’s instinct says that the score is to be Indonesia 3 and Malaysia 1. Bad innit? Why is that you don’t have the faith in your own people than you have in the opposition?

And then another local artist on Twitter came up with two tweets.
The first one reads: “There goes 2 tigers crash into each other! #harimaumalaya come on la! Don't play like clumsy smurfs la! He just topped it up to the annoyance I had towards the Garuda’s. And all I could do is to mutter some “nice” words.

The second tweet proved his “intelligence”. For God sake, he tweeted asking “Why they never show #harimaumalaya coach Rajagopal at all? I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. You talk big, and then you ask such a silly question? Incase if anyone of you are not aware of the answer, the mere fact of Rajagopal not being there is because, this is the youth team playing. Under 30 years of age which is coached by Ong Kim Swee! Now you know why they say the empty cans makes more noise?

Then came the moment of joy and victory when we scored the goal, which made us the hero of that night! And I was over-joyed! Watched the match at home with my brothers, end we ended up dancing after the victory. Over-whelmed moment! Screamed my heart out when our hero received the trophy! Its just a wonderful-sport-spirited-moment!

I just wish that people, especially public figures to be a little supportive and give in your full support for the team. Its easy to sit here and type your “predictions”. Yeah, we need more Paul’s. Get your ass on the ground and do what they are doing. Then voice up!

I don’t care if you think I’m a hypocrite for supporting the Tigers and writing this out, all I know is that they deserve full support and love from each and every one of us. Unless you’re a fanatic, then please don’t voice out your opinions. Its social network and people around the world are reading it. Embarrassing innit for others to see such views from the insiders?

However, a special congratulations and thanks a million to Khairul Fahmi Che Mat and Badrool Bakhtiar, credits to you both for your hard work and sacrifice. Our national goal keeper! Man, wasn’t he good! Im still in awe watching him! Watching him perform that way was just INCREDIBLE! I am soo proud of him! Proud of Harimau Muda, and proud of all those who had faith in them!

Even though, we had a few of them with yellow cards every now and then. Then, Gurusamy and Thamil was no where to be seen on the second half. But here he is. Isn’t Fahmi a stunner! And,doesn’t he look tad bit Chinese? *raises eyebrows* I wonder what his parentage is. Oh well!! We’ve gotta congratulate our boys! Congrats,Harimau Malaya, I’m proud of you. Very proud actually. You’ll have my support from now onwards!

With lotsa love, supporter of Harimau Muda, Lyana.


Elderly? Matured? Or Just Old?

As they start growing older; their hair turns grey, their eyes become smaller, their skin wrinkles and their eye sight gets shorter. But their wisdom doesn't reduce nor does their experience shrink. Then, why is it that they become dependent when they should be more independent; for they have survived the good and the bad and have travelled for miles & miles and have reached their destination successfully.

 Everybody needs attention and so do they. But they stop getting it as its human tendency to look up to the rising sun than otherwise and this fear of becoming non-existent makes them weak and insecured. Everybody likes to be loved and cared for so why should they be any different. We fail to realize this and feel sometimes that they have already got what they needed to till now; and now its our turn. Its all so confusing right??

 The gap between the new and old, the differences in opinion, the ideology of freshness. I would not say that I have figured out a solution for this but what's more important is, that I have realized it. The mantra, I feel, would be to treat all equal. To step into others' shoes and foresee the situation always helps. Any day they have lived longer than we have, they have seen much more than we have, they have done a lot more than we ever have.

 So its better to give them the credit for it; for they truly have survived the word called 'LIFE' and have lived only to make this world a better place for us. Old folks home is certainly NOT where they belong to. All they deserve is way better than being sent to a old folks home. They deserve a whole lot of care,love and respect. Nothing much, nothing less.

 “Old age is not a disease - it is strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes and disappointments, trials and illnesses.” - Maggie Kuhn

 With lots of love, Lyana.


The Self Proclaimed Critic

I recently read this on Twitter. “Anyone with access to the Internet turns a critic”

I’m not against people voicing out their opinion, or against critics ( Yes, It’s their job after all. They get paid for it). I’m talking about those lazy ones, who find it difficult to get their work done as per schedule and finally resort to Facebook, Twitter and You-Tube(And Torrents to download movies), spend their day slouched in front of their laptops and comment (In no way even remotely related to a Review) in the most absurd way possible. Then there are a few others who would want to be seen as someone who has a different opinion (desperate to gain attention) and would go to any extent just, just for the sake of opposing the general opinion.

I have a question to ask these people. Before that let me clarify that I’m not against those people who just happen to have a different opinion from the rest. I agree that in reality, despite the “General Opinion” Not everyone will like a particular brand (movie/book/cuisine). Some people have valid reasons and express their aversion for them. Totally acceptable. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. At least these people take an effort from their part to try watching/ reading/tasting, before they give their opinion.

Now, to the rest, who are critical of everything, just for the sake of it. Would you like it if some random person, you hardly ever knew, threw disgusting comments at you just because he was jobless and thought that would be a great idea for having fun? You might not like it, you might not be bothered or your might pretend that you are not troubled by it, that’s different. No sane person would like to hear someone speak ill of them for no apparent reason. Would you like it if you are ridiculed in front of a million people, when you are the cynosure of all eyes, just because one random person just can’t stand seeing you?

By all means, I do not wish to state that one should never call a spade, a spade. All I’m trying to say is, give your review. List out what you liked about it and what you did not, give your reasons. Know where your limits lie and try not to cross the line and resort to using abusive words and offensive language. The person who is being judged would have put in his utmost and no one works for something knowing it would fail, or puts in effort, wanting it to flop. Everyone wants to succeed and works for it, hoping that the outcome would work in their favour. No one wants to be a disgrace and spoil their reputation. People say, one must never give undue importance to the outcome, but focus on doing their part with perfection. Not everything might turn up the way we want it to. We might start working with something and end up with something else, much better than the original intended outcome. We need to keep improvising.

During my primary schooling year, when I used to bring my report cards to get it signed from dad, he used to sign them without looking at the marks. I used to get upset with this and one day I asked him why he did not bother looking at the marks. All he said was, “I’m looking at your efforts, and I know the amount of hard work you’ve put in. I don’t need to look at the marks/outcome for this”. This was my dad’s way of encouraging me. In a similar way one should learn to appreciate the effort one takes to succeed. No one is successful in everything. If they appear so, they’ve learnt well to convert their failures, as another step, towards reaching their goal.

So much goes into the planning of a movie/book. It is not done over night. So many details and particulars to attend to, which has to be taken care of, to ensure everything runs smooth. And what do we do? With Internet access just a click away, and just for our pleasure, we mock at them. How easy it is, to be sitting at some remote corner and saying such things. How difficult it is to be on field and coordinate the minute details from various sources, simultaneously with just a little time to spare. Next time before you give those rude and insulting comments, just for a minute, pause and think about the efforts of that person. If you were in his place, would you be doing what you are doing now? If something is ridiculously stupid, tell it, not in a demeaning way. After all, even they are human beings.

Signing off, Lyana. :)


Leaves Falling From A Tree

“I don’t know what happened, but the kids took my head and banged it into a metallic pole. I just collapsed, and then all those kids ran away. When I got up, my head was throbbing and bleeding.” - Gurwinder Singh, advocate for the Sikh Youth of New York.

Before I pour out my thoughts about this issue, I’d like to give all my love, thoughts, and prayers to those who struggle with bullying. It’s not something anyone should have to go through, and it just ain’t cool. Love to those who are being bullied & love to those who find the need to bully. Everyone has a story, but to cause pain to another isn’t right.

Upon attending a special program (which I don’t wish to elaborate much about) I had the opportunity to watch an interview of the advocate of Sikh Youth of New York named Gurwinder Singh who has faced racial bullying throughout his education. Imagine going through elementary school being taunted for what you look like to middle school for who you are and high school for what you just simply cannot change. But that’s the thing-we sometimes hit this brick wall thinking maybe if we changed, we wouldn’t be punished by others. During this hardship that many people face, they start to lose a sense of who they are, as Gurwinder did. Gurwinder was bullied and the bullying reached such a peak where he was psychically harmed which led to his decision to become “normal”.

To fit into society’s norms, he cut his hair. As Gurwinder’s hair was cut he wrote, ” I thought of leaves falling from a tree, and a tree doesn’t look good without leaves. The leaves make it look more beautiful.” He didn’t understand the importance of his hair until he realized what he had done and how much value it had to his persona. The story takes an amazing turn when Gurwinder, who still faced bullying even after cutting his hair, realized that his hair was a part of who he is and he wouldn’t change for anyone. After such realization, Gurwinder kept his hair once again and decided to take a stand against bullying. According to Gurwinder, more than 65% of the Sikh youth are bullied in schools and the Sikh Coalition in New York has been working hard to overcome this issue and they have pretty much solved lots of cases. Today, he is helping our youth realize that no one is alone, and there is always help out there if needed. Kudos to him!!

Along with that, I also got another opportunity whereby I was able to sit in a discussion at a local rehab center* (for bullying) amongst 10-12 year old kids about bullying. A group of older kids from the program ran the discussion (which was amazing) and I learned a whole lot. One- I was amazed at how our youth was handling the discussion on their own, Two- I was amazed at how much the youths these days knew about bullying and how to put an end to it, and Three- I was amazed at how willing these kids were to not only keep themselves strong but also to help their peers in their struggle. Such a great idea to have the youth to teach the youth. This kind of system creates the ability for kids to actually take leadership and feel like they can take a big role in society. Shout out to each and every one of them for all their effort.

The discussion started off with an ice-breaking session and then they opened the floor about further discussion about on how they’re facing their bully problems. About 90 percent of the kids sitting in the discussion raised their hands and shared their experiences with bullying. Names called and physical threats were all in the midst of this discussion. A few kids also said that their own teachers have called them names, just adding fuel to the fire. I believe legal action can be taken for this and then I got to know, that an average of 16 teachers per month are reported for bullying (mentally and emotionally) and for racism in Malaysia. …Pure disgust .

But once everyone got to say what they wanted about this topic, pamphlets were handed out about information on how to seek for help and what to do when being bullied.The discussion ended on a high note where the youth left feeling like everyone in the room understood each other, and I felt like that was one of the main points of this discussion - to understand that we are never alone.

And yes, I have to mention that all these youths are from vary of race and religions. I had around 35 of them with me, I had Malays, Punjabis, Indians, Christians and a small number of Chinese participants. They all stood for each other without being racist. It was great pleasure meeting all of them, and to know how strong these youths are, is something I am proud of. Very proud actually.

I’d end this by thanking all those who was supporting me through out this programme. Thanks to Gurwinder Singh from the Sikh Youth of New York, also not forgetting the Sikh Coalition of New York. Thanks to the local rehab center for their trust in me. Thanks to all those 35 strongest youths I’v ever met.

And, to whom I may not forget, the most deserving, Thanks a million to God Almighty for this golden opportunity. It was an amazing experience to me. It may seem nothing on the outside, but to share your shoulder with people who really appreciate you is indeed a great feeling. Probably, words could never say enough. Thanks for reading, and we all shall hope for a change.

Signing off with lotsa love, Lyana.


Careless Whisper (Part 1)

17th June.
Her day kicked off as usual. Waking up the earliest at home to do her prayers and meditate. Doing her usual chores, accompanying mum to market and preparing breakfast for the other family members over the weekend. Anishka. A simple sweet, girl-next-door, 19 year old from Kuala Lumpur. A girl that would pass across you a million times yet you’d never realize her presence. Nothing special to mention about. She has her personal idea of thinking on mostly everything. Well for love, she was better off without it. She dedicated herself to her studies and her family. Never worried about when her Prince Charming would arrive. Well, she’s just different or should I say unique.

Anishka, she’s a massive gadget freak. Being in all this has always been a part of her. Facebook,Twitter,Tagged,Myspace, Friendster and the list goes on and on. Then she came across Tumblr. Created her account. “ThePunjabiGori”. No one knew about it. Specially to be treated as her personal diary. She’d update it every day. Every single day. New post, new story, new experience. Time went by and she made a number of followers. Random people all around the world. None that knew her personally. Thus, she approved being followed. But never did she knew that one of them………

Anishka had great passion towards photography. She bought herself a Canon DSLR for self satisfaction. She would carry it anywhere she goes. All special moments captured in her DSLR gets posted on her Tumblr. Only Tumblr could fill her passion towards photography. Well, Tumblr is a world where pictures speaks it all than words.

26th July
After getting too much addicted to Tumblr, her MSN was dead. Anishka don’t check her MSN regularly. That fine weekend, after her usual weekend chores, she sat lazily staring at her bright red Vaio notebook and clicked on the MSN icon on her desktop. "Type in your email address & password".. Type type type.. She spotted 3 new notifications flickering & demanding for her full attention. Click click & off she was directed to her Hotmail account.

3 new friend requests. Kuljit Sidhu, angel sweet and *deLter* wants to be your friend.
Click approve all. She approved all her add request without even thinking twice. Sign off.

Months passed by and Anishka’s semester break came in between. Posts added. Followers begin to increase tremendously. Her semester break was spent more on her lappy rather than any other activities. Updating every moment and going online every now and then.

15th September

Regular stuffs. Anishka logged into her MSN. Suprisingly she decided to appear online today, rather than the other way round, how she always do. Small flag popped up on her screen. Kuljit Sidhu has signed in. His name caught her attention. Being all curious on who he was, she buzzed and said a short, simple "Hello". She remembers very well that she was following him on Tumblr, “isyoudizzyblud” She adored his posts, all to do with photography.

They continued chatting. Oh boy. At first, he was quite rude to her. Replying as short as possible and being all ignorant. Anishka did most of the talking while he just replied her. There was definitely not even a single tiny bit of interest he showed in her. She figured out that he added her randomly through her Tumblr account and for the fact that they both had mutual interest.

Anishka personally felt that he had quite an interesting personality. She keeps saying that she never met anyone parallel to him. Time passed by and regular chats started coming in her way. Every day was something different. Yes, Anishka begin to appear online everyday in order to chat with him. Kuljit was actually more than meets the eye. He was caring and loving towards her.

Both of them got close. Their daily chat knew no limits. Exchanging thoughts and nick name for each other. Their friendly fight most of the time. It was indeed a beautiful feeling, for the both of them. They cherished their friendship very much. Yes, friends. Just friends.

Anishka begin to fall for him. For the first time, all those love songs and lines begin to make sense to her. She felt butterflies each time Kuljit says something nice. Well for her, it was a first time experience. She never realized that she’s falling for him till her Vaio, was sent for “check up”. It was for service for two days. Anishka being herself, patiently waited to have her lappy back. Perhaps she got used having Kuljit in her life every day.

2 days later, she went online. The MSN feature of allowing one to send an instant message when the other person appears offline ,made their communication easier. It had dates and even time written at the side. Kuljit sent Anishka an offline message. He was missing her presence. In fact, he kept sending her messages at different times. And all she did was assume Kuljit’s feelings towards her. She started liking him even more.

Kuljit told her all of his secrets, yes all of them. Then one day, he told her about the girl he loved. Anishka thought to herself, "I should have seen this coming. He is a sweet guy with a charming personality. Of course he's bound to be in love with someone." But there was a problem. More like the usual same problem. He was afraid of the girl's reaction & thus he kept his love for her unannounced. Yes, same as what Anishka has been doing towards him.

Kuljit even tells her stories of the girl he loves. Secretly, Anishka will be wishing that girl was her. Well for the beginning she was a little sad. Then she understood. To her, true love didn’t mean to posses. And so, she left all her love for Kuljit to go in their friendship. She decided at that very moment that she'll treat Kuljit as her friend. That's it.

Anishka is a great girl. One that anyone would adore only if they knew her personally. Happy-go-lucky all the time. But deep down, she was all alone. Tonnes of friends but none of them went from normal to a true friend. Yet, all she needed was that one person she could rely on. Someone she can tell everything to. Anishka saw herself being all comfy, letting Kuljit be that person.

She told him everything. He was even the one she cried on when she failed her subjects. When she argued with her family. When she failed her driving classes for the 5th time. Their relationship was something really special. Unfortunately, Anishka never told Kuljit how she felt towards him. Her feelings kept growing. But she ignored it & instead, focused on giving Kuljit her warm words whenever he was down.

Anishka lives in KL whereas Kuljit was all the way at Malacca. Distance in kilometer didn't at once came in the way of their friendship. Call it destiny, or call it fate. By coincidence, her university organized for an event at Malacca.

She thought to herself, "Maybe I'll be able to meet him! FINALLY!" She told Kuljit all about it. And so, they exchanged numbers and waited patiently for the day to come. Yes, for all this time, they never exchanged numbers. The reason was Anishka’s strict parents that wouldn’t be glad to know that she’s talking to a complete stranger. Kuljit never bothered to ask more than once. He understood her situation.

The day came by for Anishka to meet her other half. Not as a soul mate, but someone who understands her the best. She was supposed to meet him at the Grand Paragon. As soon as she got down at Malacca, she called Kuljit.
First ring, “Hello,Where are you? Im waiting at the entrance!” she heard the rough manly voice on the other side of the line.
Anishka then spotted a guy around 6 feet tall with an average body frame. He was at the entrance facing the other side. Her heart first skipped a beat when she saw him. With her hands getting all numb, she walked towards him. She wondered how would he react when he first saw her. Well on his side, Kuljit had a rough image of Anishka. He saw her pictures via web. But he was unsure if she will look just the same as he saw.

She wore a white top with a pencil skirt. She even ditched her lenses and grabbed her glasses. All she wanted was to appear natural in Kuljit’s eyes. She didn't want to impress him by being all fake. Besides, to her, he was already charmed with love.

" KULJITTT", she shouted.
"Yeah??", he turned around and replied. Raising his perfectly formed eyebrows.

Anishka was a little devastated. Her best friend did not recognize her. Kuljit gave her a half smirk smile, and grabbed her hands.

"I was just pulling your leg, nerdo! Of course I recognized you! "
"Awww.. You almost made me wanna cry! Meano!"

Their rambling that usually happens online happed in a different way today. Once a while, their eye meets and there she go, feeling a thousands of butterflies flying in her stomach.
Time passed by and Anishka had to attend the event organized by her university. She somehow managed to convince her lecturer that she was ill. She choose to catch up with her bestie than to attend the boring lecture. How many of us would give up a good time with someone special for a lecture class?

"Nish, I can’t believe you’re skipping your class just to meet me. I want you to attend it. I can never be more important than your future. Don’t skip it."
"Jit, I don't wanna go. It's soo boring you know. Plus Im not well." She winked at him.
" I know it is. But just for my sake? Go for it. And no Nish, you’re not sick! Alright! No more arguments!"
"You just had to na! Okaayyy!!” She smiled and her dimples carved beautifully on her cheeks.

She then left for her class. What Kuljit wasn't aware of was that Anishka liked him so much, she would rather have her future get destroyed than missing the chance to spend some time with him. Yes, she would be in hot soup if she was caught cheating.

After the university talk, they both met at the hotel's cafe. They spent the whole night talking. Too much stories to tell yet very little time left to spend.

"Jit, I'll be off tomorrow by 12 something. You'll come and visit me for the last time na?"
" I'll try to make it, Nish. I need to collect my assignments from my college."
" Alarrr, please laa."
" Nish,Nish!! Joking! I'll never miss my last opportunity to disturb you, nerd!"
"Jit, you know what?? You get on my nerves often. Very often! Meano! "

Those priceless moment when nothing else matters. Only the both of them. Meaningful talks, candle-lighted café, cold air breeze- she was in love with the atmosphere. Even more, with the man sitting right before her.

Anishka was probably the happiest soul that night. Whenever Kuljit looked elsewhere, she secretly gazed into his eyes. She was caught in love, just too afraid to say it out.

At about 5.45 am, they called the night off. She headed back to her room, and him back to his house, situated around 5km away from the hotel.

That night was a sleepless night for Anishka. She had deep thoughts about Kuljit. What was she to do? Can she forever hold back her love for him? The question that kept playing constantly in her mind. Every time her heart whispered “Love”, her head screamed "Best friend. That's it!"

The next morning, Anishka rose and shone! She was excited to meet Kuljit for the last time before they got back on their usual daily routines. Only to meet each other in the virtual world. She wondered if he would make it on time.

10am...10.30am.. 11am.. Anishka was to leave at 12.30am and Kuljit was no where in sight.

She texted him. No reply for all five messages. Called him thrice. No answer.

Time passed by faster than usual to her. Her white Gucci watch indicated 12.10 noon.

"Students, start keeping your luggage into the bus. We're leaving soon. Make sure nothing is missing!" A woman with thick glasses and brown high-lighted, shoulder length hair in her mid age, said in her high pitched voice.

Anishka’s heart was thumping soo loud it almost failed. She rang Kuljit again..

“When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change,
Cause you're amazing, just the way you are,
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while,
Cause girl you're amazing, just the way you are” Bruno Mars played as Jit’s caller ringtone.. and she reached the voicemail box, again!

Her mates began to board the bus 10 minutes earlier. Preparing to leave. A few was in their own world with their headphone on, a few others gathered in small groups, and the others has boarded the bus.

Anishka couldn’t help but getting really worried. She began biting her nails and her hand palms getting all sweaty. There is no sight of Kuljit anywhere around. Was it possible that something bad has happened to him? She has no clue what was coming her way…. What would have happen that Kuljit didn’t even wants to pick her calls up? Did she go wrong anywhere? This questions kept repeating in her mind. Yet, the person who could answer all this is still no where in sight….

Living the Dream in Hopes of Living the Life

Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls. But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a certain hour we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle.

How restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes for loitering – waiting, waiting, waiting for the station. “When we reach the station, that will be it!” we cry. “When I’m 18.” “When I buy a new 450SL Mercedes Benz!” “When I put the last kid through college.” “When I have paid off the mortgage!” “When I get a promotion.” “When I reach the age of retirement, I shall live happily ever after!” Sooner or later we must realize there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us. “Relish the moment” is a good motto. It isn’t the burdens of today that drive men mad.

It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today. So, stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more, and cry less. The station will come soon enough.

There is always going to be a struggle in life that we are trying to get through, and we often think everything will be better once we have overcome that struggle. Although the grass may be greener on the other side, it will never be as green as we would like it to be. So why do we wish away the days? It is important to embrace every moment and see the life lessons in every hardship.

The train is not going to stop at any station, and your life is not going to lead you to a dream world where everything is perfect. So, enjoy the ride no matter how bumpy it maybe at times.


Being Satisfied.

Often the feelings of human being are unstable and they tend to over-react. Same goes to me as well, its just because we, humans have feelings and we either react according to what our feelings at that moment is or what our mind whispers.

It is said that there's an angel and a demon each at our shoulders, then there should be balance of both goodness and evilness in life probably. It may seem illogical to even think of it, yet no matter what life is made up of ups and downs where nobody can deny.When there is a person, the nature would determine his/her initial growth, could be height, weight, along with basic characteristics which would eventually mix up with the nurturing and here, the environment plays a major part in determining how that particular human being is being moulded!So, do we blame totally on the environment when a person act as the way they do?

Sometimes even thought they grow up in an secured environment, I guess human after all change and act as they are supposed to as it is written in their own fate. I guess if in this birth they are supposed to meet with a number of jerks, they would and if it is also meant to lead that particular person to be influenced to a wrong path, it would just happen.No matter how hard it may seem to bring back a drug-addict to normal, if his/her fate is meant to change, the person would have the strength and perseverance.

Well then do we just let go our lives to fate to decide? Definitely NOT! Don't get me wrong over here. What I really meant was, for example be it a small boy sitting for his school examination soon, if he focuses in his studies with no distraction, and he works real hard that he wants to achieve his aims which is to score 5 a's. And finally when he gets 4 A's and 1 b, that is when fate plays its role! We should always do our total best and then leave the rest for God to decide as it is said EFFORT + God's Grace = SUCCESS.

Why do actually people get so agitated with others? Be satisfied with everything you have cause there are people who don't! Frankly, from what I have learnt here, you be yourself and people would not appreciate you. Generally I guess to act your self and put on a fake mask would make the rest love you and come towards you. If that is how it is, I'd rather be myself and not get involved with anything at all.

If you take life so seriously, how would you treat your old age? By being someone else who don't really know when was the last being sincere? Funny yet the reality is far more hard to accept. We find fault in others, but ever wondered what's our minus points?Its hard practice what you preach, YES but do you even know your mistakes, and dark qualities. Ask me and I would say yes. I've been working on them and I'm sure I can't be perfect at all, yet I can allow myself not to repeat my mistakes as well as not to be off lane that leads me to the wrong directions.

To lead you the part of righteousness, believe in yourself and don't cause ill to others.By talking behind ones back, not only you make them a stronger person inside out, but also to move on and aim higher. Every bad thing you do, there is an invisible mirror that reflects back your bad deeds to yourself and you should wait for it to hit back on yourself.Care and love don't require you to go keep begging and asking for it, it flows everywhere and when you shower to others, it automatically comes by. Love is everywhere and don't ever get the wrong concept of love and life. 


Declaration of Imperfection.

Perfect’ is a term we throw around aimlessly. We see others as it, we hold it up on a pedalstool, and we strive - more than anything - to achieve it.
I believe a person is perfect in their ‘imperfections’. Those little things that make them different from everyone else, be it positive or negative. These things make them up as a person; without them they are blank, white canvas. So much potential; so much waste.

In the same way, an artist sees beauty in a person’s flaws. The things you may hate about yourself will be beautiful and the subject of amicable envy to someone else.

Never let anyone tell yourself you aren’t perfect. Because the reason they have for saying that - your ‘too long’ nose or your ‘weird-looking’ body shape - is what makes you perfect.

Perfection is achieved by imperfection.And acceptance of that which you once hated about yourself. I've known a handful of people, near and dear that suffers from atelophobia. The fear of imperfection and not being enough. All we need to do is to stop looking over perfection. It never exist! Yes, stop looking over for perfection in yourself. Stop wishing you looked like someone else. Stop trying to gain attention from those whom hurt you. Stop hating your body, your personality, your quirks. Without all these, you wouldn't be you and why would you want to be someone else?

Be confident with who you are. Just smile. It'll draw people in. If anyone hates you for being happy with yourself, then just stick your middle finger in the air, and say "screw it!" Your happiness doesn't depend on anyone. Tell yourself that you are perfect in your imperfections! 

I wake up everyday telling myself that I am not perfect. I am human.I live on the planet Earth where humans live. Humans aren't perfect and never have been.Never will be.I don't always do what people expect of me. I am happy because I love who I am. I love my flaws. I love my imperfections. They make me, "me". And yes, trust me, "me" is pretty amazing. There is no one else like me or you in this whole wide world.


Reach and Catch The Stars

Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart. Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still sparkle before you. Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it.

Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, remember that your destiny is hiding behind them. Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choices you've made. Have faith in your judgment. Catch the star that twinkles in your heart and it will lead you to your destiny's path. Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you.

Take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to your dreams. Understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them discourage you. Value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you truly unique. The greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hard work and determination. Find the star that twinkles in your heart? For you alone are capable of making your brightest dreams come true. Give your hopes everything you've got and you will catch the star that holds your destiny.

Just keep on shining.

In My Sorrows

Here I lie in my sorrow, Where I dwell in an empty tomorrow, The journey for truth seems so steep, I feel I've lost the chance of relief...