
Acknowledgement Doesn't Hurt

You know what beats me?The fact that the society today is getting more and more ignorant, shallow and unthoughtful. We look down on others. Others who are not as privileged, rich or lucky like we are. Now, I'm not saying that I don't do this sometimes. I also have the tendency to forget what I would normally not do or the least, forbid myself not to do. I am human and humans forget sometimes.

Everyday, we ignore those who seem insignificant to us, those who we presume are not worthy or not important. Like garbage collectors, or waiters. We forget to say thank you or offer a smile to them because in our minds, they simply do not matter at all. Its as if they are invisible or transparent because our eyes don't see what they don't want to see. But what we don't seem to understand is that they indeed ARE important to us, they are important to our society.

Time and again, we descriminate against people who are different than us. But has it ever crossed our minds that without different people, it makes our world extremely boring, dull and undiverse? Then, everyone would be the same. This way, everyone would have the same job, everyone has the same personality and religion. Everyone will be the same. Has it ever crossed our minds that without dissimilar humans, there wouldn't be anybody to sweep the roads or to collect trash from our houses? God created every person for a reason. Everyone plays a role in ensuring that a balanced, beautiful world exists.

Everyone is important, regardless if you're a maid or a construction worker. So the next time you pass by your school janitor, offer him/her a smile. After all, a smile costs nothing but worths everything. You might just make their day by them knowing that they are appreciated for their effort poured into making your school a cleaner place. Perhaps,you could say thank you to your waiter next time he brings you your bill. He did, after all serve you your coffee.

My point is, acknowledge those who aren't as fortunate as you. You never know, you might be in their shoes one day, craving for that scarce bit of acknowlegement that people rarely grant you.

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