
Why The World Wont End.

Everyone has been saying how their 12.12.12 has failed to be a special one. Being caught up in the hectic daily routine,  I never in my right non-superstitious mind thought my 12.12.12 will ever be or will be made special. Wonderful things that has made this day special more than its obvious date. First it was a planned meeting with a dear friend (I'm protective over his privacy, so not mentioning his name here). Three years and still counting. Great friends that comes in at the most unexpected time of life. Had dinner together, reminisced the past, laughed through out, and learnt that nothing sets distance for friendships. On the other hand, while I was on my way from work to meet le' friend, I boarded the train, and it was not a co-incidence yet to find a seat right beside this young pretty lady carrying her books from Big Bad Wolfs. That intrigued me to make an approach. Being the bookworm I am. Just as we started talking roughly on our backgrounds and the legit interest in reading, I decided to introduce her to Sukhbir's blog. This is where co-incidence kicked in. She picked up her mobile phone to note it down, and when I went saying, "You should just Google up Sukhbir Cheema." She went jaw-drop. Turned to me, "Is this the same guy from the Sri Baba Centre? Seremban?" The next thing we know, we both burst into laughter, filling the extremely quiet train that night.  The next few minutes were spent on how small the world is, how we've got to know Sukh, the magic his writing and words creates, and how we both believe he is such a beautiful soul. I've always remembered how my maternal grandmother has told me that relationships that are made in trains will live life long. Well, the world is indeed a small one. I came home that night to fill in my diary just to find myself quite suprised at how true is the fact that unexpected things always ends up in a good way. 

On a lighter note, erm, no, not really light. I've decided to brace myself  and to maintain a high level of tolerance for all these extremely dumb people, especially on Facebook  who probably was highly influenced by the movie 2012, and had been writing tons of statuses, tweets and comments on how the world is actually going to end. Oh and why? Because it just decided to rain heavily that night, and the storms just had to come to help the Mayans feel better about themselves for fooling us many of them. Here's a picture which I think sums it up to what they Mayans were really up to. Mayans, trolling since 250 AD. 

Lately, I've been travelling way too much in the train due to work. The beautiful part of it is that I get to see tons of people, all different from each other, equally unique in their own way. Besides the ones in the train, I also get to know a huge circle of people, because well, I'm brown! We're always known for having this extremely big family. Two mahjong papers wont fit enough for a family tree. Trust me on this. So yes, people. Immediate family, extended family, extended-extended family, their in laws, their grandchildren, their cousins and the list goes on and on! 

Upon meeting all these people, (which I sometimes feel all of you are imaginary people living in my head & that you don't exist for real), I came across and thought a few reasons on why I think the world will not effing end! Yet! 

1. The Mayan calendar doesn’t really end.

2. The Mayans find this hole thing amusing

3. If the so-called Planet X were headed our way, we’d know it by now.

4. Solar flares are not that big a deal.

5. Nostradamus seems to have overlooked it.

6. Hollywood is a poor predictor of doomsday scenarios. Duh!

7. Polar shift probably won’t be fatal.

8. Buttholes like this fellas are still living! I bet you, they possibly hear footsteps behind them and I'm sure its not the police, its karma catching up on them. 

9. There are still people who stereotype. The one's I always hear is either gender discrimination or either  it has to do race, religion, caste. People who does this are just bunch of humans that can never accept the fact that everyone is different from one another, and you'll just keep judging them through their life as though they had a choice to choose from, to be born into a religion and not another, or a a lower caste and not a higher. This is just pure bullshit!  

10. The last one, I think the world wont end too soon, because, just because the tiny bit of humanity, emotions, love, care, faith and respect still exists in a few of us, despite the hectic, occupied schedule of ours, there are still people who stops a minute to donate to the disabled sitting by the platform, and there are still people who actually sends out great vibes through their smile. And not to forget, endless quotes on Facebook and Twitter that keeps reminding us on how to "manage"our lives. 

Yes, the world will end someday. Maybe in fire, maybe in flood, maybe due to an exploding super volcano. Maybe at the hand of God. But it probably won’t happen in 2012. Welcome 2013 with a warm heart, and tell your heart to believe it'll just be better than the past one. Wishing everyone a blessed 2013 ahead. Happy New Year! Start planning your resolutions already! 


You Ain't Losing Your Man Card.

Emotional tears help the body get rid of toxins that we accumulate due to stress and worry.The same does not happen when tears are induced due to non-emotional reasons, such as cutting an onion, tear gas or stinging eyes. The same study also reported that women cry four times more often than men. We all know women cry more easily than men do. Women live with their emotions, while men keep them bottled up. But did you know that just as a man finds it tough to shed tears, an infant too, cannot shed tears in the first three months of its life? Men are likely to cry a few times a year, whereas most women cry at least once a month. I am reminded of what a character says in a long-forgotten novel I read years ago, “A woman needs to shed some tears and blood every month in order to stay happy.”
People are often encouraged to “have a good cry” when upset. Crying for an extended period tends to have a cathartic effect and makes you feel better. However, people who are depressed or have anxiety disorders, or even those lacking emotional insight, do not feel good after crying. It has also been found that crying is likely to have a more positive impact when conducted in the company of at least one more person rather than all alone. The support of a loved one or friend as you cry makes you feel much better.  
When a person is overwhelmingly stressed, his or her heart rate increases and the body begins to sweat. Also, crying slows the breathing and has a calming effect, thus countering the body’s negative state.

It is now far more acceptable for a man to cry than it was earlier. Youngsters consider male tears socially acceptable now but sadly, there is still a majority of people especially woman who thinks its "gay-ish" for men's to shed tears. Not at all. Personally, when a guy shed's his tears in front of me, my respect,love and care towards him increases rapidly. Why not? Woman's shed tears everywhere, every time. Men's shed their tears only before people they love dearly. I see no appropriate reason for one to disrespect a man who cries. Stop being such hypocrites & stereotypes. 
I find it totally alright for a men to cry in certain situations. Such as: 
1. The death of a loved one. There are few things more painful than the thought of separation from those dearest to our hearts.
2. The death of your beloved pet. A pet can feel like a member of the family. Whether a horse or dog, the bond between a man and his faithful animal runs deep.
3. When you first see the new life you and your wife created. Many a man has found himself choked up as they cradle their newborn son or daughter.
4. When you propose to the love of your life and she says yes. This should be one of the happiest days of your life. You found your best friend.
5. At the altar as you get married. Everyone in attendance loves to see the husband-to-be get a little misty-eyed as his blushing bride walks down the aisle.
6. When your beloved car or truck, especially your first one, gets totaled. There’s a bond between a man and his wheels that when severed, can really sting.
7. Visiting sites that pay tribute to those who laid down their lives for others. Whether running your fingers over the names at the Vietnam War Memorial or watching the oil leak from the sunk USS Arizona, contemplating the sacrifices made by your fellowman should make you tear up.
8. Describing a really spiritual experience. Feeling touched by a higher power can be really affecting.
9. As an athlete, after the final game/match/event that you will ever play in. You’ll never be in as good shape again. You’ll never experience this level of camaraderie again. You’ll never push yourself so hard every day. Go on and let it out.
Men cry mostly when a family member dies, when they watch a sad movie or TV show or when a girlfriend breaks up with them. Women cry over conflict, loss and empathy over another’s suffering. All in all, it’s OK to let it all out once in a while.
And, its never okay to cry in few other situations either. Here: 

1. When you favorite sports team loses. Devotion to your team is respectable. Turning into a blubbering mess when they lose, not so much.

2. When those around you are looking to you as a source of calmness and strength.Sometimes your loved ones need you to be a rock.
3. To the point of irrational thinking or paralysis when you have a job to do. I wanted to strangle Upham in Saving Private Ryan when he cried in the stairwell while his fellow soldier was being killed. When you have a job to do, get it together.
4. When you don’t get your way. Little boys cry when they don’t get what they want. Men are disappointed, but resilient.
5. When you’re frustrated. Crying because your overwhelmed and don’t know what to do is a cop out. You don’t have the strength to think of a solution, so you cry so you don’t have to think at all. Man up and figure out your next move.
6. In baseball. There’s no crying in baseball! 
Everybody comes out cleansed from the experience, feeling they have achieved something. Tears somehow seem to produce a general sense of well-being and bonhomie. Guys, Its alright to tear. Its alright to tear in front of your special one. Its totally alright. If there are people who under-rates your tears, you know where they belong to in your way of life. Its never a sign of weakness. Its a sign that you're human. Its a sign that you've hold it all back for a long time. Its a sign to let it go now. Its a sign of self-love. Trust me on this. 

Guys who cried or cries, you're all still sexy beasts. Worry less. 


The Little Things In Life.

Sometimes, the smallest things in life gives the biggest happiness. A list of little things I love that makes me a happy soul every now and then. 

I love nature.
I love ice cream.
I love cheese.
I love birds, fishes, butterflies, fireflies. 
I love it when my parents hug me a "Good night/ Good morning" hug. 
I love it when my grandparents have their small cute arguments.
I love it when I get to play with my grown up cousins. 
I love it when my brothers tease my younger brother. 
I love my Barney toys.
I love the sea.
I love waves.
I love my camera.
I love beaches.
I love cycling.
I love it when my friends and I share that smile when anyone's crush walks in.
I love strangers that smile.
I love it when I smile at a kid from the next car, and he/she smiles back.
I love the children from Spastic's Center.
I love the sight of a pregnant woman. 
I love taking photos.
I love sweating.
I love sitting in my balcony.
I love having direct morning sun burn my skin.
I love my quilt blanket sewed by my old Chinese neighbour.
I love sleeping on my own bed.
I love making new friends.
I love how my besties and I can still love each other despite the distance.
I love my Maths teacher.
I love my Accounts teacher.
I love both of them.
I love it that I find one of them intriguing.
I love fruits.
I love mangoes. 
I love mangosteens.
I love rambutans.
I love durians. 
I love chocolates.
I love yogurt.
I love smiling.
I love to laugh.
I love it when some one tells me how ugly is my laugh.
I love it when people laugh not because of the joke, but because of my laugh.
I love it when my guy friend compliments my hair. 
I love watching soaps. (How I Met Your Mother)
I love music.
I love rubies. 
I love swarovskis.
I love white golds. 
I love diamonds. 
I love black diamonds. 
I love antiques.
I love to feel loved.
I love to read Cecelia Ahern.
I love listening to inspirational talks on CD.
I love instrumental songs.
I love going on an unplanned travel without packing anything at all.
I love travelling alone.
I love Eid.
I love it that I think it's the most wonderful & magical time of the year.
I love the people I've met over the past 1 year.
I love home.
I love to observe.
I love to daydream.
I love to love.
I love old songs.
I love French.
I love spring.
I love the clear blue sky.
I love watching the sun set.
I love gardens and flowers.
I love castles.
I love princesses.
I love fairy tales.
I love children.
I love bald, confident women.
I love people who are beautiful from the inside out.
I love caring doctors.
I love art.
I love my eyes.
I love it that they're so imperfectly perfect.
I love imperfection.
I love the Creator.
I love mother nature.
I love listening to soundtracks.
I love to explore.
I love to take risks.
I love to help people.
I love to care.
I love to throw heavy balls in the air.
I love to eat.
I love food.
I love my mp3.
I love to talk.
I love having heart to heart talks.
I love myself.
I love all beings.
I love the stars.
I love the northern lights.
I love being around religious people.
I love the things that give me inspiration.
I love my heritage.
I love my rationality. 
I love listening to happy songs.
I love to eat happy food.
I love brisk walking.
I love to feel high.
I love to jump & dance.
I love to express.
I love flowers.
I love old things.
I love knowledge.
I love the little things in life.

Most importantly, I love the smile that I wear when any of these happens to me.


Coming Off At The Seams..

Of not being 'all that'.

Of not being able to breathe properly.
Of pain. Of illness. Of relentless damage to the psyche.
Of deadlines. Of shoddy work. Of pressure that finally gets to you. 

Of not being able to vent. Or talk. Or exchange glances.  
Of communication breaking down. 
Of watching people take off and put on masks right in front of your eyes.
Of not knowing what is right and what is grey.
Of needing. Of wanting. Of not having. Of disappointments, one after the other. 

Of saying the exact opposite of what you mean. Of not knowing how to say what you want to. 
Of wondering what you'll do when it finally happens. Of losing your best friend and soul mate, all at once.

Of being misunderstood all the time. Of being misguided all the time. Of feeling on the edge all the time.
Of being directionless.

Of watching the world go by and not wanting to join in for the first time.
Of wanting to let go. Of wondering if you'll be able to live in the shambles beyond.

Of being anti-social. Of being grumpy. Of having a temper close to the surface all the time.
Of boredom. Of cynicism. Of negativity. Of pessimism.

Of tears. Of broken dreams. Of memories of a better place.
Of wanting to go back to when things were nice amazing
Of wanting to feel alive and happy and unburdened again. 
Of being able to eat golguppas and hold hands again.

Of putting on a face for everyone else. Of going about like nothing is wrong.
Of hoping you see through it.  Of hoping you won't let go. Of hoping you ask me once more.
Of despair when you don't. Of feeling broken inside, all the time.

Of not being able to do what you love most. Of ignoring something that has always put a smile to your face. Of storing all the stories in your head and never putting them down.
Of losing inspiration to write. To go on. To live. 

Of uncertainty. 
Of trying and giving up. 

In My Sorrows

Here I lie in my sorrow, Where I dwell in an empty tomorrow, The journey for truth seems so steep, I feel I've lost the chance of relief...