
What Gone is Gone.

She lay there on the floor of her dark and silent bedroom, with her earphones plugged in, and music on full volume.

She checked the time, it was around 2:36 AM. She’d been crying for 2 long hours, but still, there wasn’t even a little amount of sleep in her eyes. “Last Kiss” by Taylor Swift started playing. All the memories with him came rushing back to her mind again. Just when she thought the crying was over, tears rolled down her face again. She started letting out silent screams, till there came a moment when she started to have problems breathing. She sat up, and decided that she can’t be like this, crying over someone who’s just gone.

She wiped the tears off her face, and went to the washroom to get fresh. She switched on the light, stepped into the washroom, and as soon as she looked into the mirror, she got a little shocked.

She couldn’t recognize her own self. Eyeliner smudged all over her face, her eyes just red. She stood still for a moment, thinking, “That’s not me. That’s just not me.”

She realized she’d never seen her own self like this. Tears started rolling down her cheeks again. She never thought, that one little thing could actually hurt her so badly. She wiped off the tears, and told her own self, “No. I won’t cry. Not anymore.”

She washed her face again and again, got all the eyeliner off her face, and tried to smile. Wasn’t easy, she just couldn’t smile, but she couldn’t cry, either.

She got back to her dark bedroom, lay back on the bed, put the earphones back on, and thought to herself, “I’m not crying over something so stupid anymore. I’m strong. I need to be strong. I need to let him go.”

She looked at the time, it was around 3:30 AM. She closed her eyes, and tried her best to distract herself from the thought of him. Slowly, she finally fell asleep, and escaped the harsh reality.

She woke up the next morning, with a smile on her face, and her head held high. She felt strong. Strong enough to forget it all. Strong enough to let him go. Strong enough to actually be happy with what she has, instead of being sad about what’s gone. ‘Cause after all, what’s gone, is gone.”

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